
Can you have an ACPL of 0?

Only engines or top grandmasters can get acpl (average centipawn loss) less than 5. It is the measure of how the moves played. In a position there can be 100 of good moves, and if you play the BEST move in each position you may get centipawn loss 0.
its possible to have a acpl of 0 even for both players. see this game
But only like this i guess since the computer find it to tough to handle this position ofcourse if someone blunders it should give one not a acpl off 0
But it thinks white is winning in the start i honestly prefer white( white willnot promote but black is more exposed and a4 h4 d4 e4 ideas seems good i notice from videos in such positions many don't understand the position well that people underestimate the power of the bishops.)
But +99 is def not right but basicly the thing is that a computer not made to analyse some positions because obviously there where some blunders made so technical a 0acpl can be played esp from a position like this.
But in a standard game of chess it seems unlikely to get a acpl of 0 a low acpl very low is also good possible if a game takes really long and if its just are many trades when the difficulty factor is low (but surely not a acpl of 0 i guess.)
if one got a low acpl it don't always mean its a achievement if one got a low acpl and the difficulty factor is high than its actually a achievement .
But its not a achievement if one simply take all the free pieces or play a endgame out of uneven bishops for +100 moves that lowers the acpl by quite a bit.
Just trying to explain how acpl works imo. and that a low acpl don't always ness mean its like a achievement but in some cases it actuallly is 🙂
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#1, nothing's impossible
my inner thoughts: what is this acpl? is it "a chess premier league?"
@AnantKalia2006 said in #1:
> Hi guys,
> recently I have been thinking about if there is anyone who ever had an 0 ACPL in one game. I even analyzed a Stockfish 14 game against Leela and it showed an ACPL of 2, and not 0. How is 0 ACPL even possible?

0 ACPL is easy. Its easy in Antichess games.

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