
Is 1900+ blitz rating on lichess considered an above average player?


Hmmm..... Something doesn’t add up. You said yourself that tactics trainer aka puzzles with no time limit, are pointless to determine one’s playing strength, you said that when you had a lower puzzle rating, now that you raised it you assert that puzzle rating indeed DOES demonstrate playing level... You have to pick one...

When you say “longer games”, aka 3 minutes are added to the otherwise blitz clock, I mean, are you serious??? In what universe is 8 minute a “longer game”? LOL,

let go of the hate, Sargon.
Congrats Anderson2158! So what was your "real life" rating vs your rating(s) on here?
Thanks Sir_Lose_A_Lot but im not sure since the tournament i had was not fide rated and i dont have a local rating as well
1900 on lichess translates to about 1450 on ICC, which merely shows that each rating system is consistent only within itself and should not be used to arrive at general conclusions
In online chess environment sure, it probably puts you in the top 10% or so. Alas, OTB is a completely different game and there's no established correlation between lichess rating and ELO so one can't really tell.

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