
rating range not working

just get grayed out rating range slider bars in the 'create a game' dialog box. bullet, blitz, rapid etc
You're probably trying to do bullet or classical or another variant in which you don't have an established rating.
I am having the same problem. The rating range sliders are working only for rapid games. For all other time controls they are grayed out. It has nothing to do with whether or not you have an established rating in a given control, as was suggested.
It has EVERYTHING to do with whether or not you have an established rating in a given control.
@mcgoves That makes no sense to me. For example, my Classical rating is currently provisional, because my rating deviation is over 110. Why should being barely over 110 ( it is currently 111.74) penalize me by preventing me from choosing the rating range of my opponent?? I see no logic in this. I have been on lichess for years and it has never been like this, so it seems like a bug to me. Do you know for a fact that lichess purposely changed this, or are you just making an assumption?
@GL-2476 said in #6:
> I have been on lichess for years and it has never been like this

It has always (well, for years) been like this. For years, the system ignored the value of the sliders whenever the player is provisional. Recently a change went in to disable the sliders, so the user wouldn't be fooled into thinking that they are meaningful when they aren't.

@GL-2476 said in #6:
> Why should being barely over 110 ... penalize me by preventing me from choosing the rating range of my opponent?

It doesn't make a lot of sense to fine-tune the rating selection window when the center point for that range probably isn't where it should be.
Note also that the tooltip says:
Your rating is still provisional, play some rated games to use the rating range.

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