
#29: And Then There Were None

> Five beginner chessplayers heard that chess is a draw;
> One preferred Go and then there were Four.

Yeah, that's the awesome part of Go.
> One beginner chessplayer without any frien';
> They invited nine friends, again they were ten

Nice... But that last player... was not a beginner anymore ;)
This post makes me want to read Agatha Christie's novel which I have never read. In fact I have never read any book by that author.
@jahrzehnte said in #4:
One beginner chessplayer without any frien';
>They invited nine friends, again they were ten
> :-)

Heartwarming comment of the day. :-)
@cosmon said in #5:
> Nice... But that last player... was not a beginner anymore ;)

I changed it to 'Lichess players' from 'beginner chessplayers' since it seemed more fitting to post on here sorry, loved your comment :P