
Black Lives Matter

@Byrgen Yes, you can argue data with data, but what he was pointing out (although miswritten at first) is truth.


Yes it is discrimination. That is exactly alike to calling a black man a N word. It's all perspective. Discrimnation does not lie within the normal realms that society dictates. It lies within everywhere. Calling someone an idiot in a discussion based off of perspectives and facts on the topic BLM is uncalled for at least. Your definition of discimination may disagree with the actual definition but it does not justify your statement as non-discriminatory. There are also good and bad uses of discrimination.

At best, you need to be more polite in a discussion of ideas and should refrain from name-calling the opposition. Helps for credibility.
@hal9k BLM doesn't promote black superiority and reducing fascism to the racism of the Nazis is hilariously dumb.

Yes Nazis were far left. They believed in big government and boxing people into certain groups. This is exactly what the Democrats do today. They make sure people with certain qualities stay within those groups in order to target other groups that have individuals who exercise discrimination against that group (alike to Nazis pinning other religions against the Jews). So if you are going to get vulgar and emotional on a point then you should leave while you can. You obviously do not have any proper stance to argue your point outside of modern media, far-left scholars, and those stuck in academia all their life's twists and lies.
Ah yes, the good old civility issue. Me calling someone, who pretends to be an idiot, an idiot, is bad and deserves the attention of multiple people. Said person casually talking about white genocide is ignored by the same people...

Obviously you are one who justifies the Armenian genocide, the holocaust, and several others by the color of people's skin and the history of those people's skin color. I'm glad to see someone here who is a hypocrite. You express ideals and then go out and be disrespectful and discriminatory then later justify it.

To be honest, I was just playing devil's advocate this entire time to piss people off. Thanks for the discussion all, I have to eat dinner and I'll check back in later. Thanks esepcially @Chillkroete77 @SavageAntarctican @Byrgen
Oh god, why do you people talk about fascism without knowing anything about it?
Goddamn it, this is so depressing. There are many characterizations of fascism. They all include among other things: Extreme Nationalism and Militarism. Those leftists...
How am I justifying the holocaust? Are you high?
Me calling someone an idiot is justifying the holocaust? Wtf is wrong with you?
@Byrgen I got you man

@Chillkroete77 Don't deny sources on IQ and Economic income don't exist, don't deny police brutality and economic income don't exist I got them right here.

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