
Fat Fritz 2 is a rip-off

@FireWorks That's how most businesses run, really. Science and research is often disseminated for free and the company figures out how to make money off of it. Google and AI, for example.
What excatly is wrong with Chessbase trying to sell their product? You're not obliged to purchase it, go use its open source origins instead. Either way there's nothing CHessbase had breached legally speaking.
#106 But they could at least give credit to the actual engine creators. It's like me buying store lemonade selling it more expensive, and saying I handmade it myself. complete lies in the advertisement..
Let's not forget that they only released the source, and certainly not prominently, *after* the challenges started in earnest.

The sad thing is, the Fritz interface offers some great features and they could easily have marketed it just as hard without stooping to such an ethical low point...
Maybe I should create a chess engine... without ripping off someone's code (or at least not without giving them the credit they deserves).
Good on Lichess for taking a stance against cheap knockoff scam products, aimed to grabbing money from those who are not intimately aware of the origins.
deep down, i think thibault is jealous of anyone who actually tries to make a living and be successful. he believes everything should be open-source and free, and anyone who wants to make money beyond donations is evil.

that being said, it is good for him to expose scams like this, because scams are not a legitimate way of making a living.

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