
trening. changed interface

To a crew of developers
Hello guys!
Guys, the new training interface totally sucks, and you know it's true.
Please make it back as it was configured until the recent update. if anyone wants to play the whole line of moves from the very begining every single time he makes a mistake - just let him do that. But this new feature is better to be made optional, but not a must for everyone. I'm not that cool in chess, so i make a lot of wrong moves in games and tasks, but i really wanna prove my skills and this new system is not helping me with this.
Guys, please fix that!

Thanks in advance
@inprovince #1

Imagine being a developer and seeing this post. What would you do? It's completely useless.

@vsumen #2

"Guys, the new training interface totally sucks, and you know it's true."

So you're not just giving your opinion, you're telling the developers they have to agree with you as well. That's not how opinions work.

I agree that the spaced repetition is not such a good system though, and I'd like the option to disable it.
I love the new puzzle trainer, though I like to be able for it to automatically retry the failed puzzle for me so that I don't have to press "Retry this puzzle" again and again :-)
I, too, liked the old interface better. One thing I really liked better was how all the data from previous puzzles were listed. The new sequence of red and plusses is far less informative.
Obviously, it's very subjective ... but wouldn't it be possible to give the option to revert to the old interface for those who like it better? This shouldn't take much coding.
I liked to see at a glance the "strength" of the puzzles I had faced in the recent (and not so recent) past, and how much time I took when facing each of them, for example.

But ultimately, as I said, it's an issue of individual taste. I don't see why, if both interfaces have been coded, we should not be allowed to choose and use individually the one we like best.
I struggle to see any improvement. I liked the old one better.
I also find that the new interface doesn't really help the way I tend to approach the training puzzles. I'm sure different people have different approaches? But in general I like to stare at a problem for a while, try out my solution, and then if it fails I like to continue and try out different options from my current position. Having to hit the restart button all the time makes this more difficult.

I also think there's some merit to being able to rate puzzles, although I can see how this would have some selection bias problems. Maybe just a "good puzzle!" button or something?

thanks for all the work! :)
Hi everyone!
First of all, THANK YOU LiChess for your efforts and service to us the community!

I too would like to vote for the option to toggle new/old interface, but just an option to *not* having to repeat all moves after an error would do.
That is what I actually miss most, as repeating is to me a waist of time and an annoying way to lose my focus.

Regarding the new way of serving the quizzes, it may be to soon for me to judge but for now I think I like it. Don't care about ELO (just about learning and getting better ;-) so won't comment on that.

Have a wonderful day!

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