
Search "user:Whyareall"

6 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - Vampires in Chess#54

@ambrona said in #52: > @Whyareall > > Well done! And welcome to madness :) > I would love to see those notes you mention. they're in the study i linked

Community Blog Discussions - Vampires in Chess#51 it should NOT have taken me this long to realise that axb6 was FINE because it didn't allow the rook to roam on the a-file to lose tempo, because that loses…

Lichess Feedback - Option to display threats in Learn From Your Mistakes#1

Learn From Your Mistakes often doesn't help me at all, it doesn't tell me why the move I made was a mistake, I rarely am able to find the correct move by myself without trial and error, and to be blun…

Lichess Feedback - Game review#9

@PopeonDope said in #8: > Also "brilliant" moves are handed out left and right, just today someone shared a game on reddit where literally following Fried Liver was considered brilliant. I mean it sur…

Lichess Feedback - Game review#7

@for_cryingout_loud said in #6: > lichess shows you the line in the notation pad to go through so it is there doing text would be way to hard manages just fine, "this move blunders a fork" w…

Lichess Feedback - Game review#5

I don't care about moves being labelled, but I'd like an explanation of why moves are good or bad a la For example, "moving your rook there blunders it because the queen can fork the king a…
