
Search "user:jerrycxu"

21 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - It hurts to lose with low rated players#6

Seeing how your opponent played his opening, he really misses many things. So if I were you, I'd try not to trade pieces, instead I would get material and space advantage. Since the more pieces, the m…

General Chess Discussion - Chess Rage#7

@jds108 said in #6: > You have an addiction my dude hehehe haw

General Chess Discussion - Chess Rage#5

2 hours? Bruh, I lost games, left, screamed, smashed the wall with whatever i could put, swore, fell on my bed, and in ten minutes, i started my next losing game B-)

General Chess Discussion - Who do you guys rank as your top 5 best chess players of all time#12

oof well, im certainly slightly biased, but I'll say: 1. Fisher 2. Kasparov 3. Tal 4. Carlsen 5. (I really wanna say Spassky)

Lichess Feedback - Illegal stalemate !#10

Check white's move on move 64, 66 and 68. All of these three are Rg6.

Lichess Feedback - Illegal stalemate !#8

That happens, the system might automatically claim the draw as the three fold repetition occured.

Lichess Feedback - Illegal stalemate !#5

As @nohandlebars said, a stalemate is when no legal moves can be made, which, in your case didn't happen. However, a three fold repetition is probably what happened and white claimed the draw. I just …

Lichess Feedback - Illegal stalemate !#2

Move 64, 66 and 68, i think. For white, i mean.

General Chess Discussion - Skewer or pin#3

It depends. Normally, in skewers you make the front piece (which is the most important piece) move to reach the piece behind, of course, you want to know if its a positive trade for you if you take th…

Lichess Feedback - Lichess Extremely Slooooooow from 9 pm onward (US Eastern)#2

No, I dont seem to have this problem at all, I play bullet games without interruptions at all and everything loads fine.
