
Can jet fuel melt steel beams?

Nobody is controlling the world, but conspiracies happen every day, and it only takes 2 people to create one.

That really convinced me that the Illuminati is real. I think you just changed my life.

But again, conspiracies happen every day, on many levels.

False flags are a legitimate technique used by various governments.

That list of confirmed false flag operations compiled on wikipedia is obviously not complete.

I have nothing funny nor complementing to add to that, and I refuse to stare any longer in thought at my screen.

this thread has been impaled ... with deductive logic!
#30 - it's the "Turtles all the way down" paradox... I love science!
no reason for wtc 7 to collaps
but as you can hear mr silverstein say "we had to pull it down" and when you know around 2000 these buildings were insured for a monstrous amount by mr silvershrine.
well then he was anticipating a black swan event.
it's good possible there were some or many other parties who got more or less aware of this. like buyers of puts on air coms.
Now the big suspect is the financial firm on the highest floors of the wtc. yes the planes hit it right there. so that moment large amount of money could get fluid.

those who bought the puts about some days before impact, so they were aware of the kamikaze air team or timing of the plans. those remarkable trrades and traders in big amount of puts weeks or months before 9/11: these are the red hot suspected enlighted few.
To #29:
''Science is evidence based reasoning'', Faith is intuition based reasoning. Both must coexist since we are not robots. Otherwise we will become slave-robots of the conscious deviders of this couple. (Science-Man-Spirit with Faith-Woman-Soul).

Religion is the way you express your Faith (open door) to the God (other may say: Creative force, Love, Super advansed non-Earth civilizations, Angels, ...)
Theology is the science about the religious questions.

Religions and Thelogy are to Faith,
States and Nations are to Humanity.
When you're alone in a room and are sure that there's no one to see or hear you, say audibly and with a clear, steady voice: "I know you're watching me." The resume with whatever you were doing before.

Either nothing happened, or you just made someone shit their pants.
Will it destroy all of the credibility I may have left to say that I've done the equivalent? :D

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