
Silhouette (Shadow) piece dragging instead of arrows and circles

Do we have an add in where in instead of the arrows I am able to move the silhouette - shadow of a piece to the next position to just evaluate. It can be a miniature image of the same piece. Currently lichess offers the simple arrows with colours and circle and they are effective and useful but they do not annotate the piece itself making it difficult to guess the second move. Further if you want to draw the opponent movements we have to use another key meaning press ctrl etc for another colour. In reality it should recognize it automatically. The best is that the piece arrow shows the destination of the move with the shadow or miniature or silhouette whatever moves to the point I have pointed instead/or with an arrow. Is there anything of this type developed. Ex Bishop shadow, Queens shadow etc or something even closer.
I can't really say about the technical side of it, but the spirit of the game is a bit off in this case don't you think? As in, we aren't allowed to move around pieces in a real game are we! The same can be said about arrows too but they help in demonstration/ streaming more than they help in analysis so I guess that won't be a moot point, but adding silhouettes will take away the visualising part, no?
Yeah. Even If we have that feature, if we see s shadow of that piece in the game board we may get confused sometimes that what's the real piece however the feature would be nice if we have a separate board ( a small one ) to analyse
Or maybe a Analysis Board where we can go like we can go in correspondence game, but it will not have Opening Book, Engine
and other tools which can help us to play better. Right??
I think it was not clear from my explanation. All that is a small requirement where for eg. I want to move a queen and I want to evaluate the position. So currently W -----------> this is shown on the screen. Can it be W --------> w in the square where I want to move. I am asking for analysis evaluation demonstration etc. purpose only and nothing to do with spirit of game. Have you seen soduko small number getting updated at the top of the square.

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