
Don't hate China.

Just now, I played chess with a boy/girl. He told me that he hated China , China virusa, China must die, chinese communist cancer .And then, he asked me I hated China or not. I told him I no hate China. Then he said that I died with China and Malaysia.
Don’t public shame. Report/ignore and move on!

I must say that user does sound bonkers lol...
Yeah, even though that user does sound a bit...crazy, it's probably not right to mention their name or make a forum about it all. Just report!
11 yr olds and 800 rateds are now solving diplomatic matters
There is no use pointing fingers on who created the virus. China might have created it on purpose or it was a mistake they are sorry for. But there is no use saying that they made it and they are bad, because face it, that person who is making those claims cannot have proof yet. Good job by reporting him. Let's just focus towards to properly distributing this vaccine. Then researchers will study the case of pointing fingers for the creation of the coronavirus.
@Tae7 it is not public shaming. No username was mentioned.
@Goh-Kang-Ning-2009 I hate China but not because of COVID. If you want to hear the explanation why I hate China ask me.

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