
Where is all that hate coming from?

I just came back from a long break and decided to play anonymously for a change.
90% of the time when you blunder or lose the other player (being anonymous as well ) will course you or laugh at you.
Is your life so terrible that coming online and laughing at other players gives you joy?
Someone who blunders is not a loser, he is a human, and if anyone who blunders is a loser, then guess what, you are a loser too because you probably blunder too. But you are a bigger loser than your opponent because you actually cant admit your mistakes making you a stupid fuck.
You assholes with your hate, cause more hate, making this platform unbearable because you fill everyone you play against with your unwanted rage and hate.
Go fuck a wall and leave chess to the classy people of this world, people who admit that they too make mistakes.

That's my rant.
To say what I think, you fall in what these people want: you get mad or demand it against them. Let them be, they never say anything, never give an answer, never play the game in words that they want to be happy. There are a lot of people who find pleasure in this way. Take it easy and never take it seriously
I totally agree with you

Sometimes i play against anonymous and i totally see than this people have a very strong level,it's like they play against me just for the joy of destroying me,and i don't learn anything then!

Then i play againt Purelysmart and he teach me,takeback when i do mistake,explain me,i have learn a lot.

So i want to say thanks to him,and that i totally approve with him.

When i play against anonymous it's rarely good game,they just use this anonymously to laught at you,express hate,just because they don't have anywhere else to complain?

chess is a game,and a game mean that it have rules,they have winner and looser,and one day you will be winner and the next day the looser,that's it,and insulting or hating the winner / laughing at the looser will not change anything.

That's all i have to say.
I find playing anonymously quite thrilling, you never know what kind of an opponent you'll get. Sometimes good players will play horrendously bad openings on purpose, to see if they can lure you into a sense of security and outplay you anyway :) I've suffered some embarrassing losses this way, and had some satisfying wins as well.

What i'm trying to say is, you can enjoy playing anonymously as long as you know what you're getting into. It's not for overly sensitive people, as civitar said you need to stay frosty and just have a good laugh when they say something ridiculous.

I suppose this is true for the Internet in general ;p
to purelySmart:

You are right about your complaints but you aren´t any better using the language you do.
I agree with _PurelySmart and I hail his rant :)

I've had the same experiences with abuse etc. One occasion was highly amusing though. I ignored this abuser throughout an entire 5 minute game while he taunted me and swore at me. At the end, I checkmated him and wrote "by the way, your girlfriend is really good in bed". He wrote back "Peter, oh my God, is that you???" :D
I think abuse tends to be reported in the rated games, so most of the silly people play unrated. I just don't bother with unrated games these days; who wants all that unnecessary nonsense. Would you put up with it repeatedly in real life?

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