

Good morning , hello everyone. I would be very curious to know how the server detects cheaters from smartphones ( I suppose ) . Not in extreme detail, since it is certainly "secret of the office", but in broad terms, the procedure in principle ..... It happens to me, from time to time, to have some suspicions; an opponent who initially plays in a trivial way, perhaps with a little mistake or two, then in the final performs a "difficult puzzle" combination. For example, a few days ago, I played a single game and it happened exactly as I said. .. It would be possible, in your opinion , to ask the server for a small investigation , after a specific
report ?

Many thanks Kind regards rebretone
You're SOL, cheaters can do what they want, if they have a little smarts about it.
the only profiles lichess has ways to punish is that of real people, cheaters find their ways, and lichess throws its fanatics' frustration onto stable profiles that are themselves frustrated by cheaters. Before you know, this profile will get muted and shadow banned. So abandoning it, as it gets tainted by the bigots the moderators are.
look at the game you played where you suspect a cheater, copy the url, click/press on your opponent's name and click report. paste in the url and your explanation

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