
Castling and other moves

This is where you can help chess players where they don't know how to castle, etc.
1) Get ready to castle. You must be emotionally and intelectually prepared to make such decision.

2) Castle already.
1) Make sure to never touch either king or rook alone, always touch the other rook at the same time, to assure not moving either of them and lose castling rights.

2) Make sure to be physically fit in order to lift the king over two squares, if necessary, contact a personal fitness trainer to achieve that goal.

3) Try to not get distracted and ideally play the ruy lopez as white and as black you should improvise to achieve castling in 4 moves.

4) Now that you have succesfully castled, make sure to tell your opponent how safe your king is and whether he knows how to castle, since (best case scenario) he hasnt already.

5) Having achieved the primary and most important goal in chess, which is to protect your royalty from getting massacred, you can lean back (literally), and shift your king from g1/g8 h1/h8 and watch the magic ensue.

PS: Pros like murphy gave odds of knights in order to achieve the winning position faster, so you might have a look at his games. Just make sure that in case you are giving rook odds, make sure to give up the queens rook. (Your matchplan doesnt involve moving it either way).
@enemiesofreason LOL!

I think this is post is really unnecessary. If someone doesn't know how to castle, he/she can ask elsewhere on the forum.
En passant don't even exist. It's like witchcraft or something.

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