
Why is this a draw?

I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation for this, but I wasn't sure why this was a draw. White can move, and this isn't repetition, and I have enough material to mate. What else could be going on here?
After black's move 38, 40, and 47 the positions were the same. Therefore it is a draw by threefold repetition.
Bummer man, sorry that was drawn. @vishwathg is absolutely correct. A common mistake is that chess players think the three-fold repetition has to consist of consecutive moves.
It would be cool if 3fold repetition text could link to the Chess Basics explanation for 3fold repetition.
Thanks, everyone. I think next time when I'm in time pressure of a blitz game, I'll march the king up or move some pawns.
Actually, marching the king up would mate in about 10 moves, while only moving the queen would get you a draw by 50 moves rule :-)

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