
How much does your strenght drop while playing blindfold?

and i don't play bullet cause my teacher said don't play bullet until you have 2000+ in blitz
@whitehathacker i only focus on blitz.
By the way, please stop with this, match making exists for a reason. I don't have a personal vendetta with you.
I miss tactics and in the endgame i usualy move my pieces aimlessly around because i can't remember what the position was lol
BTW .. I was there & rated 14 something (1485 ? At the National Open in Las Vegas1984 ... I won the Class C" Prize (U 1600) & was Never Rated 15 something jumping 140 Rating Points . I attended Two Exhibitions One was by GM Arthur Bisguier who I somehow managed to Draw (He was quite Upset as he blundered in an Ending when it was just us two left playing) & the "Kolty" Simul @Puzzleandlearning
That must have been an experience to remember! Thanks for sharing that and congrats on winning the Prize!
I'm just really impressed by players who are able to play blindfold. I am really impressed by this Kolty guy - what a feat!
I recently read that Reti has learned the chess board "by sections" so I'm currently attempting to try that method.

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