
Search "user:Eddyj98"

13 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Why no rematch#7

let's play some games I also want someone to play multiple games with

General Chess Discussion - Who would you like to see win the Candidates, and why?#7

Ding obviously

General Chess Discussion - Counterplay After blunder#1

Wanted to resign on move 6 but I figured I should be annoying and try to trap my opponent ;)

General Chess Discussion - 2200 finaly acheived. But, how come I am only 1800 blitz?#25

@KevinKingslayer Come I challenge you with my 1700, let's see how you fare against someone 500 points below you

General Chess Discussion - 2200 finaly acheived. But, how come I am only 1800 blitz?#21

@KevinKingslayer you are boasting over a bullet win, that is just pathetic. And continuously losing to 1900 rated players after playing for 20+ years is really sad.

General Chess Discussion - Lichess Rating Inflation#4

@manofpill you need to reach 2300, your rating will start to indicate your true skill level, below 2200 the rating is useless

General Chess Discussion - Smith morra game#3

I hate facing 4. e6 Indeed, I can't go Bc4 in that case and I struggle to put pressure. As for 14.0-0, d6 was pinned so I already have Nxc6 followed by Nxe5 attacking the Queen and triple attack on f7…

General Chess Discussion - Smith morra game#1 power of the double check! :)

General Chess Discussion - Why are Rapid rating so inflated now#1

I took a break of two years After deleting my original account ,I was struggling to go beyond 1800 in rapid, when I came black last year I discovered to my horror that current 1800 players have the sk…

Game analysis - Clean attack in the french tarrasch#1 After the opening of the f file, white has a huge attack, black is forced to sac the exchange just to survive the first threat.
