
Search "user:epicureme"

7 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Can't easily decrease board size anymore#14

@Doofenshmirtz thanks for the followup. I checked Board Geometry and it was at 100%, and 3-d was just discombobulating haha. At this point it's not impossible to play, I just can't make the board as b…

Lichess Feedback - Can't easily decrease board size anymore#12

Sorry everyone/ @Doofenshmirtz but I actually think I have an issue. I've gone to preferences -> Display board resize handle -> always. And still the board is too small, even when I drag it as large a…

Lichess Feedback - Can't easily decrease board size anymore#4

Same, have been a fan boy forever. But now the board is too small and there's no way to change it. The box that shows the player usernames and clock is HUGE. I'm not so much mad as sad because if I ca…

Lichess Feedback - Android app down: suffering lichess wihdrawals#1

After updating the app one week ago, I have not been able to use it. WiFi is fine. Android phone. It says " is unreachable. Failed to fetch". I am loyal to the best open forum chess website…

Lichess Feedback - is unreachable. failed to fetch#9

I am dealing with the same issue. Have not found any solutions.

Lichess Feedback - problem with lichess app#4

Since the update I can't even log in.

Lichess Feedback - Updated app, not working#1

Hi all, I just updated my app. Phone is an android. WiFi is fine. I saw in other forums that maybe my app doesn't detect the internet, but previous version off the app worked consistently. Any suggest…
