
Black Lives Matter

Thanks Lichess for what you do!
Maybe we could play one Marathon Tournament where the Black Pieces get the first move.
An Austrian with this quote in his profile: "Supreme Strategy consists of Ideas that are extraordinary" and as his location he put "Judenburg" in his profile.
This should not be enough for real intellectuals who own the one and only truth. Let's have a tournament, where only the black pieces are allowed to move!
We’ve come a long way since slavery and the civil rights movement. I would encourage all of you to watch the movie Selma so you can see what real racism is. MLK encouraged peaceful protests and he got change. Nobody wants to give incentives to a bunch of criminals for a terrible cause. Like seriously ‘defund the police’ people are such idiots.
After a couple of days of this shit show could we all agree that Police Brutality and Police Killing People *not just Black People* in America is a serious problem... and we should fix it?

Establish all-encompassing National Police force (following France's Model), Better uniform training across the board, better screening on who gets to be a Police Officer?

We already have non-lethal weapons and body cameras... what we need is police to know how to do better takedowns on people...

Eh?? Guys? Gals? Please...? Does it really have to matter George Floyd was Black? Can't we just... Fix the Issue that is actually tangibly happening to everyone?


(You're not going to are you?)
There is no cause because nothing can be changed. You can’t detect racism there is no racism detector. So people want all police fired. They won’t be satisfied until there is no police because all police are bad in their eyes.
Everyone is just so sensitive now of days. People in the NFL are losing their jobs for not agreeing to left wing BLM BS. Everyone has to say BLM or the f*cking millennials will break down your door and get you fired.
@JohnLuke090904 Funny, that you mention MLK. Do you know that MLK said that "riots are the language of the unheard"? He understood why people got violent. Even though he wasn't, he was able to understand why people would and why there is no need to run around screaming "Oh god, these violent people, I totally condemn them, why would they do that, it doesn't help the cause."
@JoJoBonnette As everyone you are talking to has pointed out: Blacks are especially targeted by the police but BLM also cares about police brutality in general. And the proposed reforms would combat police brutality in general.

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