
I need help! Why is this move better

@dboing said in #7:
> what does give up the exchange mean? here. (:). pawns, bishop for knight, or B/N for rook. I keep forgetting (if I ever knew).

12... Bxf1 (in the note)
ThunderClap said in #8:
> ... Start with Logical Chess Move by Move by I Chernev if you want to read a full first chess book

I think for a long time my only read thing was the mere first part of "My system", Nimzovitch. But I did not study chess for a long time. It was just written in a way that an uneducated chess learner could find self-contained enough to get something. I did not even need a board then to understand the more abstracted out-of-game, delivery of insights about the board logic itself.

But I had forgotten the specifics of that book for a long time. That was my state of education 5 years ago. When I got curious about chess again, this time more seriously, within my daily limitations though.

I think you would need to make a book with dispersed insights buried in games after games, a better experience if someone was discussing it with you, that has already digested the insights of the books. Otherwise, it might get painful and you might stall.

But it depends on your drive I guess, one might be willing to go through that, alone. I would say that few books do cover chess from a more abstract and generalizable presentation structure, so I cherish those rare ones I am becoming aware of. There are more.
@MrPushwood said in #11:
> 12... Bxf1 (in the note)
Thanks. I had gone only through the mainline fast. (I went to the page of the game itself, where one need to expand the first class Lichess citizen created variations, :) ). I guess I should follow the thread post per post, so thanks.

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