
Make Draughts Great Again

Lichess patrons and developers,please make this game possible in this great and the best site-in Lichess.
8x8 checkers has been solved: it is a draw with best play from both sides.
10x10 draughts is more complicated, but probably also a draw with best play from both sides.
Anyway this site is lichess, not lidraughts.
ok,but why there is variants such an atomic,three-check ,antichess,racing kings.Here is chess and most popular variations ,but this is forum where to discuss about ''draughts'' ,not Lichess variants.I'm fan of draughts game and thibault is the site developer and he will have last word about this game.Add it or not is thibault's desicion.

I personally like draughts game.
I agree to you,risky and you will be my best friend.I don't understand ,why here are variants like atomic,three check racing kings ,horde etc...Thibault should also add ''draughts'' game here.

I will tell that him.
Is ultrabullet draughts even realistic? Variants such as regimental chess have been turned down due to not being playable at fast time controls.
We don't need ultrabullet time controls,i like this game if it is with customizable time controls.

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