
am in my early 30s and still cant approach a woman?

@Stephenson fascinating.
If you would be so kind as to allow me to run with your answer to man-woman tribulations, I feel it fair to say that that may very well have been what Justin should have done.
Al the start of the movie he says to the somewhat underwhelmed girl: "I happen to think I'm a lot of fun".
But what he SHOULD have done, is lick his eyebrows! Would have saved him a heap of trouble! I always knew there was something a little off there.

I've always had good luck with women....I don't know but that's an area of my life that's always been a blessing!

Though, I can't magically give you any secrets because I don't any, I will say this: "Don't act like Trump around women!!" He's a great president, but his approach to letting a woman know he's interested in her is borderline facing jail time.

Also, keep it simple!! Just say "Hi" and talk about everyday things like the sandwich she might be eating or that it's a nice day or something like that. You need to exude CONFIDENCE and just let the conversation develop naturally.

Good Luck!!
It's the opposite actually. NEVER under any circumstances discuss the sandwich.
And as to what to exude, I'd go with a rabid air interlaced with a lot of twitching and random noises, hinting at interesting neurological problems. Much better.
Nonononono. First you buy yourself some army fatigues and a tranquilizer gun. You know, what they use on elephants and such. Then you find a good spot and hide in the bushes. Maybe bring something to read as well.
What kinds of women are you approaching? Generally if they don't look and act like they are a nice person just ignore them. I usually just pretend like i am seeing a friend when i approach women for the first time. Although my dream girl would be someone better at chess than myself that way I'd have a chance at breaking the 2000 barrier . "hey honey , what would you do here and why?", but its probably not going to happen.
Oh and make sure your 100% sure they aren't married or gay... That was embarrassing :)
Do like Buffalo Bill in "Silence of the Lambs" Only instead of whacking her on her head you go "hey it was really sweet of you to help me with the sofa. Let me buy you a cup of coffee as thanks, lemme get ur phone number so we can meetup".

And BOOM you¨'re in! When u meet her i just say ur arm got unbroken real quick.
hey it was really sweet of you to help me with the sofa. Let me buy you a cup of coffee as thanks, lemme get ur Phone number so we can meetup.

just to see if it works, see.
i don have phone number, nor skype nor any techy talky channels, but u never know!
Issues you say?
And not only that, but of an emotional nature as well???


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