
LAWC 2023 Candidates

After 8 weeks of battling, we have reached the end of the Swiss stage, and it is time to move on to the candidates stage. Congratulations to our 12 candidates who made it this far! They have been divided into two groups as follows:

Group A:
1. @mental_suicide
2. @devansh2008
3. @ChangeOpening
4. @GrohochetGrom
5. @aleksschtin
6. @Tetiksh1Agrawal

Group B:
1. @SupWitches
2. @sudenurk2
3. @AbbySunterra
4. @cFlour
5. @Antichess_Valentino
6. @Passionate_Player

The pairings are as follows, per week:
Week 1: 1-6, 2-5, 3-4.
Week 2: 3-6, 4-2, 5-1.
Week 3: 6-5, 1-4, 2-3.
Week 4: 2-6, 3-1, 4-5.
Week 5: 6-4, 5-3, 1-2.

I wish good luck to the participants and may the best player win.

Pairings and Result Sheet can be found here:
(The above link is a shorter version of: )

@Sharking_State will be making studies which will contain the games from each round of the candidates, Semi-finals and final stage.

Please post the match timings and results here.
My colleague @Cflour deserves congratulations for the tables he made
Don't forget that in this stage of the candidates, a match contains 10 games, even if a player reaches 5.5, all 10 are played because they count for the tie
Round 1 starts right now and ends next Sunday around 17:00 UTC
The order of matches is posted on the forum for all 5 weeks
The first 2 who will play cross-match in the semi-finals qualify
Good luck everyone!

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