
TheLlamaLord's Study

1 • NM TheLlamaLord •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. NM TheLlamaLord

TheLlamaLord's Study

1 • NM TheLlamaLord •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. NM TheLlamaLord

Kings Indian

3 • NM TheLlamaLord •
  1. Overview
  2. Ne8 with cxd6 | Ng6 lines
  3. Ne8 with cxd6 | Rf6 and h5
  4. Ne8 with Nxd6
  1. SaintLouisChessClub
  2. NM TheLlamaLord

GM Maurice Ashley vs Fheopatrick Patterson | Michael Abron

1 • NM TheLlamaLord •
  1. Maurice Ashley - Fheopatrick Patterson
  1. NM TheLlamaLord

Faster Solution - Andriy Stetsenko | Selfmate in 189 | 2016

2 • NM TheLlamaLord •
  1. Andriy Stetsenko 2016 Selfmate
  1. NM TheLlamaLord

TheLlamaLord's Study

1 • NM TheLlamaLord •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. NM TheLlamaLord

TheLlamaLord's Study

2 • NM TheLlamaLord •
  1. Vladimir Kramnik - Alexander Morozevich
  2. Vladimir Kramnik - Peter Svidler
  3. Vladimir Kramnik - Arkadij Naiditsch
  4. Vladimir Kramnik - Veselin Topalov
  1. SaintLouisChessClub
  2. NM TheLlamaLord

Fight with the f3 Nimzo: 4... O-O with Ne8

6 • NM TheLlamaLord •
  1. Cebalo, Miso (2511) - Dervishi, Erald (2482)
  2. Van Ketel, Raoul (2244) - Wantola, Ivo (2338)
  3. Haika, Günter (2407) - Korzans, Vilmars (2332)
  4. Schramm - Prokopp
  1. SaintLouisChessClub
  2. NM TheLlamaLord

Fight with the f3 Nimzo: 4... 0-0

7 • NM TheLlamaLord •
  1. Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar (2742) - Fedorchuk, Sergey A (2624)
  2. Jones, Gawain C (2554) - Trent, Lawrence (2471)
  3. So, W. (2788) - Naroditsky, D. (2633)
  4. f4 Bg2 maneuever
  1. SaintLouisChessClub
  2. NM TheLlamaLord

Important Rook Endgames | Endgame Class

5 • NM TheLlamaLord •
  1. Mikhail Botvinnik - Isaac Boleslavsky
  2. Mikhail Botvinnik - Georgy Konstantinovich Borisenko
  3. Pawn on 7th, basic draw
  4. Pawn on 7th, g pawns
  1. SaintLouisChessClub
  2. NM TheLlamaLord

Exchange Slav Crushes | Rt2k

4 • NM TheLlamaLord •
  1. Mikhail Botvinnik - Vasily Smyslov
  2. So, W. (2778) - Carlsen, M. (2843)
  3. Aronian, Levon (2813) - Nakamura, Hikaru (2775)
  4. Mikhail Botvinnik - Arnold Denker
  1. SaintLouisChessClub
  2. NM TheLlamaLord

TheLlamaLord's Study

1 • NM TheLlamaLord •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. FoxHu2021 - Thellamalord
  1. NM TheLlamaLord

Fight with the f3 Nimzo-Indian | The Perplexing Bishop Retreat

10 • NM TheLlamaLord •
  1. Bg4 idea | Nakamura - Carlsen
  2. Ng4 idea |Bluvshtein - Thavandiran
  3. Other lines without Bc5
  4. c5 idea | Fabiano Caruana - Kirill Alekseenko
  1. SaintLouisChessClub
  2. NM TheLlamaLord

Fight with the f3 Nimzo | 4... d5 with Nxd5

22 • NM TheLlamaLord •
  1. Caleb Denby - Alexander Meng (~1950)
  2. Li Chao2 (2735) - Jakovenko, D. (2703)
  3. Volkov, Sergey (2614) - Timoshenko, Georgy (2572)
  4. Mamedyarov, S. (2799) - Wang Hao (2709)
  1. SaintLouisChessClub
  2. NM TheLlamaLord

Fight with the f3 Nimzo Indian | The Common 6... exd5

73 • NM TheLlamaLord •
  1. vs Derrick Higgins (~2050)
  2. vs Griffin Thomas McConnell (~2050)
  3. vs Ryan Amburgy (~2000)
  4. vs Luke Ye (~2050)
  1. SaintLouisChessClub
  2. NM TheLlamaLord

Miniatures | Rt2k

4 • NM TheLlamaLord •
  1. Robert James Fischer - Robert Henry Steinmeyer
  2. Anish Giri - Magnus Carlsen
  3. Alexander Morozevich - Garry Kasparov
  4. Alex Zhang - Caleb Denby
  1. SaintLouisChessClub
  2. NM TheLlamaLord