
Corrupt-a-wish Game

@LeoHoward1 Wish granted, a user by the name of "nobody" never remembers to make wishes and ruins the game.

I wish to see unicorns with UZI's fight fairies with AK47's.
Wish granted.

You are smoking high...

I wish my username didnt have to have a 1 after it.
You find the original Leo Howard and murder him. You are banned from life for being a murderer and are thrown into prison where you can't play chess. There you user name doesn't matter.
(in the case that it is your account and you forgot the password: you committed suicide and you wouldn't be able to care about your username because you are dead).

I wish I didn't go extinct.
Wish granted. Your species didn't go extinct. But their numbers dwindled so drastically that they were forced to inbreed to the point of devolving en masse into a hyper-retarded race of limbless land fish with the life span of a doughnut in a police station.

I wish I was a suave ladies' man.

At first, you're totally satisfied with your wish, the most gorgeous women in the world can't resist your charm. But soon, things become critical.
One morning you step out of your home to buy a cigarettes pack when a horde, composed of hundreds of hysterical women begging for your love and kisses, runs after you, yelling like fans at a Beatles concert and tearing your clothes down. You are saved in extremis by the police who had to use water cannons to disperse the crowd.
Half-naked, terrified, covered with lipstick, bites and scratches, you find protection into the closest monastery, where you make vow of chastity and live in the company of monks for the rest of your life.

I wish i could stop smoking.

You can stop smoking but don't want to put forth the effort it takes so you just continue that habit until you die of lung cancer...

I wish I could build muscles just by concentrating on it...
(It is still yours, Katekidna hasn't corrupted your wish of muscles).

LeoHoward1 wishes he could build muscles just by concentrating on it.
Wish granted.

You concentrate on them so much that you don't realize that they are growing WAY too large and then they explode.

I wish that I was a 5 hour per week lichess streamer.

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