
"resign dude don't waste my time"
Should I have resigned here? I had some ideas of counter play and didn't want to resign until I try them all. Somehow my opponent managed to lose in won position.
Is it appropriate to request people to resign during the game?
Resigning is totally up to you. If you don't want to resign then don't do it, as an example in bullet games resignations are pretty rare as you can beat them on time. I feel that people shouldn't be asked to resign as in your case you were losing and due to your opponents blunder you started winning. So asking people to resign is a bit rude in my opinion.
When they say that we learn three somewhat probably things. They usually don't play endgame, they don't like playing endgame, and the third (which is somewhat inferred from the previous ones) they don't know how to play endgame and will lose.
the fact that he actually lost the game says everything you need to know about the subject
In my perosnal opinion, that's simple - if you create a game with the timer for 5min or choose to play a game 5min, be prepared that you "waste" 10 minutes at most, no matter the situation on the board. If you moan that you waste the time - why did you choose to play a game with this timing? Should have chosen 3min or so.

You have the heavy advantage over me - finish it quicky. Cannot quicky? So maybe it is not such big advantage, and I see the chanses to draw? Or you maybe are not that good and afraid of the endgame, as #3 flugsio said?

Of course there are somitimes ridiculous situations, and it looks different in correspondence. But both sides have right to evaluate the chances, even for the draw. These are the rules of chess. Otherwise let's create the variation for all the moaners - the game ends when one looses the queen and 2 pieces against only 1 piece lost on the other side.
turn off the chat dude... don't waste your own time

You have all your rights to use all your time, anyone who disagrees can yell at a wall. This is also why we don't act on "trolling by running down their clock" complaints. If anyone don't want their time to be wasted by people who think, they have two options:

1. Play fast games where losing time means losing directly.
2. Play correspondence games where you don't have to wait.
It is obviously your right to run down your time on the clock even when you are forced to be mated next move. You could fairly be happy with it. The question is which reputation you would seek in the chess community and how many opponents will actually respect you as a player and eventually opt for playing games with you.

There is no reason to momentarily resign unless the position is hopeless, but in that sense there should be some ethical code to be followed, if you want to consider yourself as a sportsmanlike chess player.
#7: Well said. While some people consider reputation a major reason for following sportive measures, I think there is more to good sportsmanship besides attaining a good reputation. Keeping everyone else running smoothly can also be seen as a good deed. It's for your own karma.

Oh well, not really my problem to worry. I'm mostly a quick chess player even when I have time at my disposal.
Oh well, not really my problem to worry. I'm mostly a quick chess player even when I have time at my disposal.

Don't I know it. ;)

#6 :
l. This is also why we don't act on "trolling by running down their clock" complaints.

I was thinking we should find a way to update the report page. Outline what is or isn't appropriate. Idk though. Maybe something we discuss not here.
running the clock in tournies is a super dick move though, you got to admit.

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