
We have been tricked!

@Petrathepuffin has betrayed us! She sided with Ishadeep and they built a pirate ship! I can't believe I didn't notice this!! The enemies create a private pirate ship called the 'Puffin pirate ship', and people who are science experts think that it was temporarily invisible but do not realize that a huge cloud covered the ship.

We will have to sacrifice @Whoops_no_username and launch her at the Puffin pirate ship to stay alive, otherwise, we will starve to death and run out of water due to the pirate ship draining out the ocean and rivers with a special device called the 'anti-would. What scientists are yet to explain is how it works, as Albert Einstein said
' You cannot create nor destroy energy. '
Which has been proven time after time. Just like when you burn a shoe, it doesn't go out of existence, it just compresses and turns to ashes. So you cannot create or destroy anything. One could argue that plants are expanding from a small seed with little in it but plants take energy from light, oxygen, water, and soil so it is still proven that this is correct.

You may wonder, how is this going to work? Well do not worry, we have secret backup plans that have been prepared over centuries, but you do not need to worry about that. I wish I could tell you more but it is limited, to what I can say. If you do want to learn more, please ask @FluffyPuddle, she's the only one we can trust at all anymore, and even at that, you should not trust her too much, since she is also 40% untrustworthy but compared to @Whoops_no_username who is 70% untrustworthy or @Petrathepuffin, who has betrayed us and in her nice form is 90% untrustworthy, @FluffyPuddle is our best bet or me who is only 50% untrustworthy, but I cannot lie since I am the next of kin of this team. Now that Petrathepuffin has left, I am responsible for the safety and well-being of our members and I have more power now due to me being one of the leaders and vice-leader, now being the substitute leader.
I hope you understand!

It is not only important for me to try to keep this team safe, but also for you to keep yourself safe in this time of struggle. If you see a pirate ship nearby, evacuate and do not read the text, as it is enchanted to make you join their team and betray us. If you betray us, @Petrathepuffin will betray you too.

Oh, and you're probably wondering who is really behind all of this! Well long-story-short, it is @ISHADEEP who is responsible for this major flaw in the system. You may already know why, but if you do not know already, I am sorry, but as I said a while ago, it is limited what I can say. If you need to know in an emergency what is going on, you can speak to the villan themselves @Ishadeep, but if you see a pirate ship coming, run immediately, and do not look back. If you see an ocean as well, you may think that it would be wise to turn your back to the ocean, but do not. Face the ocean and if @Ishadeep is behind you when you face the ocean, put yourself in a way that you are facing the ocean and looking at @Ishadeep. For example, without rotating, move right, move back until @Ishadeep is closest to the ocean, and move left. Make sure you are still facing the ocean.

That is all I can say for now, as I said before, it is limited what I can say but good luck and stay safe.

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