
Feature suggestion: chess matches


Agree with you but...
Sorry rating refund does not work that way.
If your rating has gone up after the game (for example because you have studied chess and played a lot) you get no refund.

In the current system rating is not a reward, it is a way to try to predict outcome of future games, but with a lag (because it disregards trends).

Also I suppose not all cheaters cheat in a way they will be caught. There is a reason why top rated players mostly play bullet and blitz.

Although I often do, when I don’t there are four reasons why I don’t accept rematches.
1 rage-cheaters (they lost, which means I must have cheated, so they cheat in the rematch) which means I gained zero points for my masterpiece in the first game.
2 I’ve got to go (no more time)
3 I want to analyze the previous game.
4 The first game mentally exhausted me

And, as I mentioned, a match-rating or something vivible in your profile would be a carrot. You can’t play 6-game-matches as long as you have a questionmark after your matchrating...

Agree with bc, interface idea sounds great.
(oops accidently berserked ...) :-)
@Mr_Kuryakin said in #21:
> Sorry rating refund does not work that way.
>If your rating has gone up after the game (for example because you have studied chess and played a >lot) you get no refund.
But that's not always the case sometimes your rating hasn't gone up a lot. Rating refunds are a thing. People do get rating refunds after their opponent has been flagged. But anyway that's not what this thread is really about.

I agree with your reasons for not accepting a rematch though. Another one might be that you don't like the lines your games go into with this opponent. Perhaps they always go into a closed position when you feel like playing something sharp but you don't have the knowledge in your repertoire of what to do to go into a sharp line without giving an advantage. Or it could be your games are just repetitive. And your opponent is too strong to risk going out of your repertoire.

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