
Convert me

@Cedur216 said in #100:
> Historical Jesus is real. Resurrection is not.
I think like you, maybe Jesus did exist but god and all that not, but that doesn’t mean that god doesn’t exist.
@nichicrack said in #101:
> I think like you, maybe Jesus did exist but god and all that not, but that doesn’t mean that god doesn’t exist.
but the question remains, how did we get here? from our moms of course! but where did THEY come from? it comes down to some original people. but where did they come from? not from their mom. you see where im going with this?
@Cedur216 said in #100:
> Historical Jesus is real. Resurrection is not.
proof? there are several historical people who saw Jesus after He was crucified, and they wrote it down for us. you weren't there. you don't know. but we have eyewitnesses' records of Jesus raising from the dead.
@ALucasM said in #102:
> but the question remains, how did we get here? from our moms of course! but where did THEY come from? it comes down to some original people. but where did they come from? not from their mom. you see where im going with this?


> proof? there are several historical people who saw Jesus after He was crucified, and they wrote it down for us. you weren't there. you don't know. but we have eyewitnesses' records of Jesus raising from the dead.

There were only witnesses of an empty grave. And a few witnesses of some appearance which may as well have been visionary. Other theories suggest Jesus was only seemingly dead.
Death is final. Noone (else) ever resurrected from death. Since Christians are unconsciously aware of this, they say everyone resurrects at Judgement Day. Eschatological expectations were omnipresent in the Rome-occupied middle east. How is such a day supposed to become reality? We are surrounded by an unimaginably large universe. With almost absolute certainty, we are not the only isle of life out there (the distances are just too large to detect others, yet). In a billion years, the sun will heat Earth to a soaring greenhouse, vaporizing the oceans and setting the earth on fire like Venus. (Before you ask, human-made greenhouse effect will cause another mass extinction but not a galloping greenhouse)
@Cedur216 said in #104:
> evolution
that doesn't answer anything. even if evolution is true, the original animals had to come from somewhere.

> There were only witnesses of an empty grave. And a few witnesses of some appearance which may as well have been visionary. Other theories suggest Jesus was only seemingly dead.
> Death is final. Noone (else) ever resurrected from death. Since Christians are unconsciously aware of this, they say everyone resurrects at Judgement Day.

don't accuse the Bible if you know nothing about it. other people have risen from the dead. Jesus rose people from the dead. Elisha and Elijah did too. and Peter did also. so don't make assumptions you know nothing about.
"Eschatological expectations were omnipresent in the Rome-occupied middle east. How is such a day supposed to become reality? We are surrounded by an unimaginably large universe. With almost absolute certainty, we are not the only isle of life out there (the distances are just too large to detect others, yet). In a billion years, the sun will heat Earth to a soaring greenhouse, vaporizing the oceans and setting the earth on fire like Venus. (Before you ask, human-made greenhouse effect will cause another mass extinction but not a galloping greenhouse)"

and this has nothing to do with the question. you still havent given me proof yet.
@ALucasM said in #102:
> but the question remains, how did we get here? from our moms of course! but where did THEY come from? it comes down to some original people. but where did they come from? not from their mom. you see where im going with this?
It’s the mystery of life, maybe we will know when we die , and maybe not.
Life must come from other living cells. Therefore life is impossible without the involvement of a higher being.
@ALucasM said in #105:
> that doesn't answer anything. even if evolution is true, the original animals had to come from somewhere.

The idea of a comet with microbial life forms was for some time a viable hypothesis, even though the chances that these microbes or cells could survive an impact and acclimatize are almost zero. a serious idea would be that it would be the fruit of chemical reactions which would have generated the environment conducive to life, then, life itself.

why would a spaceship with a superior intelligent species want to risk going to a furnace like earth, to play chemists?

It's impossible and not scientific.

we must consider that it is the result of an exceptional chance. and metaphysically speaking, the appearance of life and its evolution are a divine miracle. The Permian Triassic extinction destroyed 95% of life on earth. So yes, we are lucky
@nichicrack said in #107:
> It’s the mystery of life, maybe we will know when we die , and maybe not.
its no mystery

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