
Convert me

Why should I, when you have a whole wikipedia article to read or splendid youtube documentations to watch.

Intelligent design is pseudoscience (or "junk science"), that's an official verdict, not just my personal one.

Even catholic and protestant church disapprove of taking the bible literally and they call for historical-critical exegesis.
@Shadowwolf600 said in #121:
> @Cedur216 tell me what your scientific proof for evolution is.

for sources, you have to start at the base: Darwin, Mendel, Lamarck.

then, go for modern researchers and university sites.

but we must consider the success of human evolution as a divine blessing. we have escaped extinction several times.
@Cedur216 said in #122:
> Even catholic and protestant church disapprove of taking the bible literally and they call for historical-critical exegesis.
Bull shit
@Cedur216 said in #122:
> Why should I, when you have a whole wikipedia article to read or splendid youtube documentations to watch.
because you're ashamed you're wrong.
@Cedur216 said in #122:
> Intelligent design is pseudoscience (or "junk science"), that's an official verdict, not just my personal one.
since when was it an 'official verdict' last time i checked, more people in the world believe in a god than people who are atheist. it seems like the 'official verdict' would be that a god does exist.
@Shadowwolf600 said in #121:
> @Cedur216 tell me what your scientific proof for evolution is.
exactly. there is none. as if there was evolution, we would see it happen today :)
classic cedur. places thumbs down on everything, but doesn't know how to respond to the truths. go ahead and rage, but nothing we do will change the truth.
cedar is just trying to shy away because he knows that evolutions science doesn't make sense. he is just being stubborn and refusing to see the truth.
@ALucasM said in #127:
> exactly. there is none. as if there was evolution, we would see it happen today :)

evolution doesn't exist. only microevolution. Microevolution refers to small-scale changes in the genetic makeup of populations over relatively short periods of time. These changes occur within a single species and are often influenced by factors such as natural selection, genetic drift, mutation, and migration. Examples of microevolutionary processes include the development of antibiotic resistance in bacteria, changes in beak size among finches due to variations in food availability, and adaptations in coloration to match local environments. it is not like a monkey turning into a human. it is a small change in one organism. not one organism becoming another organism.

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